FREE Hosting

FREE Hosting

Infrastructure for Dev Projects

  • 32 MB Application Memory
  • 1 Sub Domain
  • 100 MB Storage
  • 1 GB Monthly Traffic
EDUC Hosting

EDUC Hosting

Infrastructure for Student Projects

  • 64 MB Application Memory
  • 1 Addon Domain
  • 1 GB Storage
  • 10 GB Monthly Traffic
PERSO Hosting

PERSO Hosting

Infrastructure for Individual Projects

  • 96 MB Application Memory
  • 5 Addon Domains
  • 10 GB Storage
  • 100 GB Monthly Traffic
PRO Hosting

PRO Hosting

Infrastructure for Career Projects

  • 128 MB Application Memory
  • 10 Addon Domains
  • 100 GB Storage
  • 1000 GB Monthly Traffic


We have our own hosting rack in Germany where our servers are installed, in highly energy-efficient data centers that are 100% powered by renewable energy.


The servers are custom-built using a selection of high-performance components (motherboards, hard drives, RAM) and reputable brands.


Our technical teams are trained to handle all of your needs : Infrastructure, hardware, and network, Security, Linux, BSD, Windows Server, Most common applications.

They Trust Us

“ORDCOM helped me with a professional custom service solution when my business was so rapidly growing my old system couldn’t handle the load anymore.”

Mathieu, CEO

The Network

We operate a long-distance optical network of over 1000 km, connecting us to four Points of Presence (PoPs): Ionos DC, Netcenter SFR Rennes, Telehouse-2 Paris, and Telecity-5 Amsterdam. This positions us just one hop away from the heart of the German Internet and at the core of the European Internet.

To date, we exchange over 100,000 IPv4 routes and nearly 1,000 IPv6 routes with more than 780 network operators. This enables the most direct connections possible, higher bandwidth, and minimized latency.

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2024 © ORDCOM BUSINESS LLC. Registered in the state of FLORIDA, USA.