Hosting and rental of dedicated services
We operate our own infrastructure in France, where our EcoCubes are installed. These large 30m³ units are each powered by a high-efficiency double-conversion UPS and equipped with powerful mechanical ventilation systems capable of completely renewing the air in less than 10 seconds. This approach, which the company cannot fully detail for competitive reasons, allows us, among other things, to achieve a record PUE* of 1.1, a figure that only Google comes close to these days. Additionally, we further optimize energy efficiency by equipping our servers with highly efficient power supplies. Thus, in addition to making significant savings on the initial setup of a data center, energy efficiency also contributes to the preservation of the planet.
*PUE: 2 to 2.5 for a standard data center. This means that it takes twice the electrical power to run the servers as it does for the servers themselves.
Internet service providers have become some of the largest energy consumers in the world, which is why they increasingly communicate about their environmental efforts. This is understandable given that the energy consumption of large data centers already exceeds that of air traffic. This is particularly concerning in light of the rapid growth of this energy-intensive industry.
Currently, the focus is mainly on reducing electricity consumption, which is the primary cost center of a data center. As a result, hosts are lowering their prices and making their offers more accessible, which in turn increases sales, leading to greater overall energy consumption.
The solution, then, is to urge our energy suppliers to focus on developing renewable energy solutions rather than relying solely on nuclear power. This might come at the cost of reduced competitiveness.
We have taken a significant step in favor of the environment by entering into a contract with EDF that enables us to offset 100% of our energy consumption with renewable energy sources, rather than just 10% or 20%. Under this contract, for every kWh purchased to power your services, EDF commits to supplying the equivalent amount of energy produced from renewable sources to the grid. This approach results in an additional cost for us but contributes to funding and creating sustainable energy production projects. Our customers are part of this initiative and can proudly display this commitment, enhancing their own environmental efforts and services.